Your not going to make millions with these. However you can earn a decent profit by buying cheap and reselling on eBay. This is just a quick short list of 3 items that have a real good sell through rate and are not that hard to find.
I highly suggest to always research auctions closed in the last 60 days on eBay before making any investments because trends can change quickly and I wouldn't want you running out and buying 20 of something that has gone cold or it is just the wrong time of year to be selling it. Trying to figure out things to re-sell on eBay is a question I get very often from friends, family and strangers alike. I don't mind sharing information as the web is a very large place to sell, as is eBay and I doubt sincerely these types of items will become harder to sell just because I share the ideas with others.
1. SCRABBLE TILES: I learned around 5 or so years ago that scrabble tiles (just the tiles not whole games) are a good seller. Crafters purchase them in lots in order to make jewelry and other items. The items they make they are able to sell for very good prices (just keyword search on eBay for scrabble tile bracelet or necklace or the sort to see examples) - Older tiles either in the dark red color, black or the normal tan with dark brown letters both sell really well.STICK TO WOOD TILES not the plastic ones. The bigger the lot the higher the price.
Where to find:
Any kind of yard, garage or estate sale & thrift/consignment shops also.
What To Pay?
I buy the games for $0.25 cents to $3.00
How to best sell them on eBay: Make the lots at least 300 (is my opinion) unless it is a very old game then a smaller lot of 98 tiles would be fine to turn over for between $15 - $20. Break your tiles up into lots putting all the ones from the older games into a lot together (also the different colors separate red ones into one lot natural into another and so on). BIG LOTS do BEST - Take GOOD PHOTOS. Make sure all the tiles are facing with letters up. I like to show both sides as well. The more photos your lot has showing the details of the tiles the better price you will get. Also as mentioned the bigger the lot the better the final price. Recently I saw a lot of 1000 tiles sell for $90. 300 tiles at 29.00 - 400 tiles at 39.00 just keyword search scrabble tiles and you will get a good idea.
Myself personally I always buy any scrabble tile game I find that is under $3.00 for the game. Sometimes I will spend a little more depending on how old the game is or if they are red or black tiles, something like that. I NEVER buy the plastic ones so I cannot give advice on those. I have now noticed too that the Wood trays in the game that you put the letter on are ALSO SELLING. They don't sell for as much but since you are going to have them you might as well put them asside and when you get a decent amount list the tile holders in a lot as well. I figure if you can make even more by selling those as well, there is no point in just throwing them away.
2. Mens Hair Regrowth: This is one that I only found out recently. If you do a keyword search on eBay you will see that pretty much anything "Mens Hair Regrowth" will sell very well.
Where to find?
Close Out Stores, sometimes places like Dollar Stores as well. You can find these at yard sales but it makes me leary not knowing how they were stored when buying at a yard sale.
What To Pay?
Personally I look for ones that are $5.00 or under. Rogaine is a good name brand if you can get any Rogaine product new for under $5.00 I would grab it. Off brands sell as well though. For instance key word search on eBay closed auctions for "CVS Hair Regrowth" you will notice even though off brands have a very good sell through rate.
3. Ballet Slippers: Another recent item I have found that has a real good sell through rate is Ballet Slippers. Especially black ones. Not just for dancers but many women like a nice pair of black ballet slippers to slip into their purse (aka Emergency Flats) - For when you break a heel or just have been wearing your heels way too long and the feet need a break. Ballet slippers fit even in small purses.
Where to find?
Garage,yard,estate sales & Consignment/thrift stores (also can find actual packs of "emergency flats" and other types like them at close out stores as well)
What to Pay?
Me personally - I will pay up to $3.00 for a nice pair in great condition. If they are new in a box or packaging I might with some go as high as $5.00. This is something you need to keyword search on eBay to get an idea of brand names to look for and special colors etc. Now at the close out stores I will go up to $4.00 (again depending on brand) for new actual "Emergency Flats" and other types like them.
(Remember when putting a title on your auction with these and in your description to not just single out that they are ballet slippers for danice BUT also great emergency flats as well) This way you are expanding your buying audience for those that have not thought of using them for that yet.
MY GOAL: To help others by sharing some knowledge I have acquired selling online on and off since 1997. I hope that others will take this advice and use it to earn some money themselves as I know times are hard. This Does Not Mean However Permission To Copy or Sell My Lists,Guides or anything found on my blog. Please use the information to grow yourself a successful business or to earn a little pocket money with easy sell items or advice you find. Plagerism is illegal and just not nice.THANK YOU very much for understanding
*note: All tips are things that I have found to work for me. Offered both inside the USA and Internationally. Some I do free shipping some I don't. I do not charge high handling costs and I do combine shipping. These things need to be factored in when deciding what will sell best for you.
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