Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolution List 2013 & A Bit Of Advice

I know the popular thing to do is have one New Years resolution that you wind up breaking within the first month of the year or if your like me you don't even bother to get a start on the resolution you proclaimed. This year I have decided to give myself a short list of things I want to accomplish in 2013.Some are personal goals and many our business goals.  I feel this list gives me a little more freedom than just having one resolution that I have to stick to. I guess that kind of pressure just sets me up to fail before I start. Then again who knows I may have just now started a whole list of things I wont do for more than 24 hours into the new year. In all seriousness however the goal is to expect to succeed.
My 2013 Things To Do List
1. I want to write more. I have decided in 2013 I am going to try to write in my blog every day, but to be realistic my goal is at least 3 posts a week. If I surpass this, then even better. *edit - also want to dress up my blog and organize it.
2. I am going to be sure to list at least 25 new auctions on eBay a week. (This includes auctions or fixed price buy now type listings). My goal here is certainly a minimum. I really would like to do double that or more but I want to keep this list within reach and leave room for sick days and things coming up.
3. Open our Brick & Mortar store OR rent warehouse space. Something to this effect. I really would like to open our store this year, and that is the plan. However we have been playing around with the idea of renting warehouse space and just doing more swaps etc. We really do need a lot more space however so one or the other must be done.
4. Start putting K.I.S.S. (Keep it Simple Sweet or short & sweet) into practice. I am an extremely long winded person. It takes me an hour to tell a 5 minute story. Even worse it takes me a paragraph to type what can be summed up in a sentence. This is not good when trying to chat on Twiiter, or write an auction description or most recently my blog contest on here. I wrote such a long post for the contest I think people probably fall asleep before getting to the point of it. So 2013 year of K.I.S.S.
5. Get back with the timer method. Whether playing a game online, chatting on Social Media Networks, Listing auctions, advertising, or doing chores around the house. The best way to keep yourself from spending too much time on just one thing and neglecting the rest IS USING A TIMER. Need to pick up a new simple kitchen timer & start managing time better.
6. This is a big one, surely more of a goal then a resolution... but to heck with it. Before 2013 is over want to go on a CRUISE. That is right a cruise. Not the day long gambling cruises. Been there, done that, wasted that money. A real at least weekend cruise, but hopefully a full week long one.
7. At least once a week light some candles in the bathroom, make a nice hot bubble bath, relax in tub for a good hour soaking away and reading a good book by candle light or listening to some soft music. Basically TAKE TIME TO RELAX - Alone time. Everyone needs a little time-out during the week. I need to learn to give myself that break.
I do have more goals and then there is my bucket list but this is my little list especially for 2013. Instead of just one New Years Resolution. Hoping to look back at this post at least 364 posts later when we are entering 2014 and see that I managed to complete this list or as close to it as possible.
No matter whether you have one goal for 2013 or a short or long list.
Remember to take it in stride, and don't get down on yourself if you don't stick to it 100%. Just because you messed that diet up 1 week into the year does not make it a total failure. Just get back up dust yourself off and try again tomorrow. All any of us can really expect of ourselves is to try our best.The fastest way to failure is when we give into a setback and decide not to bother trying again. It is then, and only then that we truly do fail.

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